| | | | https://issuu.com/beyondwordspress/docs/bqw_dec_2024 |
| | | | https://heyzine.com/flip-book/357725ff30.html#page/37 |
| | | | https://festivalforpoetry.com/2024/11/17/person-poem-merlion-by-ruchi-acharya/ |
| | | | http://Upcoming |
| | | | https://festivalforpoetry.com/2024/11/14/grief-poem-torpor-by-ruchi-acharya/ |
| | | | http://Upcoming: Issue 6 |
| | | Mirror in my picnic basket | http://Upcoming |
| | | | https://festivalforpoetry.com/2024/10/27/romance-poem-scottlander-by-ruchi-acharya/ |
| | | | https://online.fliphtml5.com/mjqkk/gfsu/#p=12 |
| | The Imperfect Zine, Issue 3: Lucid Dreams | | https://heyzine.com/flip-book/68b7e29954.html#page/46 |
| | | | https://hndlmagazine.myportfolio.com/poetry-by-ruchi-acharya |
| | | | https://seasonalfruitsmag.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/seasonalfruits_autumn24.pdf |
| | | | https://vialofbones.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/vob-vol-1-natures-witchy-brew.pdf |
| | Valley Verbomania Literary Review | Red Telephone Booth - issue 1 | https://online.fliphtml5.com/mjqkk/gfsu/#p=12 |
| | | | http://Issue 1: Among the flowers |
| | | Territory, Stillness so serene | http://Upcoming |
| | | | https://thekintsugijournal.wixsite.com/the-kintsugi-journal/post/the-heart-of-paradox-by-ruchi-acharya |
| | | | http://Upcoming |
| | Nixes Mate Review, Inkbot | | https://nixesmate.pub/issue-32-33-summer-fall-2024/ |
| | | | |
| | Intangible magazine Issue V | | http://October 26 |
| | | Hallowed Instagrammar, Echoes of Fallen Trust, Resilience | |
| | | The Silver lining of Betrayal | http://Upcoming 20 sept |
| | | The Silver Lining of Betrayal | https://buttermochijournal.wixsite.com/journal/copy-of-bmj-common-3/our-mission |
| | | The Clumsy Gardener, Symphony of Seasons | https://ko-fi.com/s/c53f6fcfd8 |
| | Gabby & Min's Literary Review (2024 Summer Issue) | | https://gabbyandmin.com/current-issue |
| | | | https://fiftywordstories.com/2024/06/18/ruchi-acharya-the-sunset-whisperer/#comment-57965 |
| | | Guided by Polaris Cover Art | https://static1.squarespace.com/static/6036c92c2cb2ed457e50aa14/t/6646fdffd733b33c5979d36c/1715928576306/April+2024+Orions+Belt+PDF.pdf |
| | | The Lone Astronaut, Wizard, Farmland | https://www.amazon.in/Buried-Seeds-Grow-Conchas-Issue/dp/1946081728 |
| | The Malu Zine x Catheartic Mag x Adolescence Mag x Clementine Zine | | http://Upcoming |
| | | Echoes of Fallen Trust, Hollowed Instagrammar, and Resilience | http://Upcoming |
| | | Unveiling the past, The lone Astronaut, Echoes of Fallen trust | https://thehemlockjournal.org/2024/07/13/the-hemlock-anthology-volume-one-is-now-available/ |
| | | | https://hndlmagdream.myportfolio.com/poetry-by-ruchi-acharya |
| | | | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zbrh6UgAc9irA7o28cQwvUnzlsm5azid/view?usp=drive_link |
| | | Wizard, The Lone Astronaut, Echoes of Fallen Trust | https://beneaththeemask.wixsite.com/website/general-8 |
| | | | https://issuu.com/poeticallypress/docs/issue_seven_freedom |
| | | Seaside, Wizard, The Lone Astronaut, Echoes of Fallen Trust, The glow of Invisible strength | https://issuu.com/writersmagazineeesss/docs/writersmagazine02 |
| | | | https://mindmattersmagazine.org/product/breathe-mental-health-magazine/ |
| | | | https://thesocialcanvas.wixsite.com/blog/issues |
| | | | https://moonbowmagazine.com/2023/12/22/farmland/ |
| | | | http://31st March 2024 |
| | | | https://moonbowmagazine.com/2023/12/22/black-pit/ |
| | | | http://Upcoming |
| | | | https://www.theelevationreview.com/iss-9-fall-2023 |
| | | | https://www.musepiepress.com/fibreview/ruchi_acharya1.html |
| | Bottled dreams literary Magazine | | https://drive.google.com/file/d/140rYdoaag_AGt4_6B2Rxy53jZ7ctEdkU/view |
| | | | https://www.calameo.com/read/007481373ba769147aefc |
| | | | http://Upcoming |
| | | | https://www.midsummermagazine.com/read/issue-2/guided-by-polaris |
| | | | https://workingtitlelit.substack.com/p/drenched-cactus-by-ruchi-acharya |
| | | | https://www.calameo.com/read/00748137323491b7809fc |
| | | | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BcXmDDN_dvA-REdl6R2VwYlyWcRcMNo3/view |
| | | | https://www.studiumreview.org/ruchiacharya |
| | Intangible Literary Magazine | | http://Upcoming |
| | | | https://persimmonreview.org/issue-02 |
| | | | http://June 15th, 2023 |
| | | | https://forgetmenotpress.net/bloom/edelweiss |
| | | Brown Noise, Ocean, Nameless | https://online.fliphtml5.com/lgedc/ldqj/#p=52 |
| | | | https://www.calameo.com/read/007226576a1356873d86a |
| | | | https://theuniversespoetry.wixsite.com/the-universes-poetry/post/ordinary-ruin |
| | | | https://babblesmag.wixsite.com/magazine/read |
| | | | https://www.theorigamireview.org/issue-3-incandescence |
| | | | https://issuu.com/irisyouthmagazine/docs/irisyouthmagazine_issue1 |
| | | | http://www.storyhouse.org/ruchia.html |
| | | | https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09MK36LJ8 |
| | Asam garam literary magazine | | https://asamgaramlit.gumroad.com/l/Issue001?layout=profile&recommended_by=library |
| | | | https://theamazine.com/2022/11/09/brown-noise/ |
| | | | https://luphyr.files.wordpress.com/2022/12/luphyr_issue-3-disturbance.pdf |
| | | | https://fivefleas.blogspot.com/search?q=ruchi |
| | | My love for poetry is not gone | https://parisianphoenix.com/2022/10/24/my-love-of-poetry-is-not-gone-an-exploration-of-poetry-part-1-of-3/ |
| | | | https://issuu.com/fireflyarchives/docs/issue_3_something_wicked |
| | Meditating Cat zine, Curious Neverland | | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tR1sBHSOSfloGy0DF2vtCpWRbPnE-V6k/view |
| | | | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TB_sWmlo_bqjrYrEMTJOyfeED0uq61Tk/view?usp=drive_link |
| | | | https://www.instagram.com/p/CfUywWVP9u1/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== |
| | Karma Comes Before the mag | | https://issuu.com/kcbthemag/docs/_a5_kcb_issue_000_genesis |
| | | | https://sites.google.com/view/thedriedreview/issues?authuser=0 |
| | | | https://meadowmousezine.godaddysites.com/issue-01 |
| | | Sufferance of a half-lover | https://meditatingcatzine.weebly.com/uploads/1/4/0/6/140664017/issue_4_fall_mcz.pdf |
| | | | https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_4sqhV2YnZKvHc_Ad896-xdgy0NGef9R/view?usp=share_link |
| | | | https://www.instagram.com/p/CZdOBAQP-k5/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link |
| | | | |
| | | | https://www.pluvialitmag.com/post/self-discovery |
| | | | https://www.calameo.com/read/006758570906da0b87115?authid=UkCapJfRWrUB |
| | | | https://www.calameo.com/read/006758570906da0b87115?authid=UkCapJfRWrUB |
| | | | https://www.calameo.com/read/006758570906da0b87115?authid=UkCapJfRWrUB |
| | | My Summary at the age of thirty-three | https://issuu.com/strawberrymagazine/docs/lost_and_found_issue_final_ |
| | | | https://maythornmagart.files.wordpress.com/2021/07/issue01e28094maythornmagazine-1.pdf |
| | | | https://en.calameo.com/read/00675857008af70ebb45a?authid=bOujlg3T1hxO |
| | | | https://www.instagram.com/tenthstreetmiscellany/ |
| | | | https://www.analogiesandallegories.com/issues/issue-6-magic |
| | | | https://slouchingbeastjournal.com/ruchi-acharya-issue-5/ |
| | | The moon is mute, Paper Doll, Forever gone | https://hybriddreich.co.uk/product/dreich-season-3-no-12/ |
| | Muddy River Poetry Review | | https://muddyriverpoetryreview.webs.com/Ruchi%20Acharya.pdf |
| | | | https://www.instagram.com/p/CtCGFPCocyi/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link&igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== |
| | | | https://www.flarejournal.com/issue-five-poetry |
| | | | https://www.mulberryliterary.com/issue-ii/ruchi-acharya |
| | | | https://www.instagram.com/eminentmag/ |
| | | | https://danielle-adams.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/The-Sunshine-Review-Issue-3.pdf |
| | | | https://borderlessjournal.com/2021/06/14/borderless-june-2021/ |
| | | | https://maythornmag.art.blog/2021/05/25/common-men-poem-by-ruchi-acharya/ |
| | | | https://storage.googleapis.com/wzukusers/user-35382595/documents/328007c382934ffcb857b15cb035f437/Juniper_finalx.pdf |
| | | | https://fireflyrevmag.wixsite.com/fireflyreview/ruchi-acharya |
| | Café Au Lait Magazine-Issue 1 | | https://www.instagram.com/cafe.au.lait.mag/?hl=en |
| | | | https://img1.wsimg.com/blobby/go/9c07ae65-6c9e-48e6-801f-f821f80c1715/Rhodora%20Magazine%20%7C%20May%202021-0002.pdf |
| | Loose tooth magazine -Issue 3 | | https://issuu.com/loosetooth/docs/loosetooth3 |
| | | Augmented Reality: Boon or Curse? | https://www.overachievermagazine.com/activism/2019/08/15/augumented-reality-boon-or-curse |
| | | | https://detester.org/publication/74 |
| | | Losing the moral compass at workplace | https://www.overachievermagazine.com/activism/ozpidtojlimo2uab9nydw4hpeyy0cf |
| | Rigorous Magazine Vol 4 Issue 3 | | https://www.rigorous-mag.com/v4i3/ruchi-acharya.html |
| | | | https://www.amazon.com/dp/9394020772?ref_=cm_sw_r_cp_ud_dp_08NQ98KG3K4WQ5F5WHRC |
| | | | https://fairytalez.com/user-tales/evanora/ |
| | | The role of Business Analyst in STEM | https://www.overachievermagazine.com/activism/hu5wwggymtzifb5aw6ecmng3p2yfib |
| | The Pangolin Review- Issue 4 | | https://thepangolinreview.wixsite.com/mypoetrysite/current-issue |